September ‘22 Harvest

Hello from the grounds of Château de Béduer,

I am so lucky to be staying here this week as I work on preparations for next year’s camp season. It is a beautiful time of year to be in the Quercy Valley - the sun is still warm and all the fruits are ready for harvesting.

We have collected baskets full of apples, pears, plums and figs and will be practicing our jam making recipes this weekend. Jam-making will be one of our activities next summer, using either the fruit in the grounds or the fresh produce from the local market.

We have been checking all of the rooms to ensure that the bed layout will be just right for each bunk room and that there are plenty of showers and access to mirrors and sinks. Every one of the bunkrooms is going to be so unique and wonderful, I can’t wait for you to see them. Earlier this week we went up into the vast chateau attics and towers with our groundsman, Vincent, to see what possible renovations we could make in future years if we want to expand the rooms available. There is so much space up there that we have plenty of room to grow too.

The sunrises and sunsets have been astonishing this week, and we have been gazing up at the stars and the milky way every night in wonder.

I am delighted to share that we have opened up camp session dates in August 2023 and we have a special labor day offer for those of you who are planning to come next summer with a group of friends. If you gather a group of 4 friends for a session, you will receive an extra bed free, so go ahead and fill up a bunk room! You only need to pay the deposit now to hold your place at the special rate. Use the code LABORDAYBUY4GET1 (valid for use between September 1st and 6th) and start dreaming of next summer at Camp Chateau!


Philippa Girling, CEO


October ‘22 Autumn Clean Up